Yuki Bark Canoe

  • Design and Technologies
  • English
  • Geography
  • Mathematics
  • Science
  • Visual Arts

Yuki Bark Canoe

Welcome to our collection of resources related to the yuki and its place in Ngarrindjeri culture.

Explore the digital story and access activities and resources designed for students from Foundation to Year 10.


You can also view the above at https://yuki.history.sa.gov.au/

Make a Paper Yuki


Students cut and colour their own paper yuki and native fish, then test to see if their yuki floats. As an extension, investigate the plants and animals found in and around Ngarrindjeri waterways.

Curriculum V9



AC9SFI02engage in investigations safely and make observations using their senses

Year 1


AC9S1I02suggest and follow safe procedures to investigate questions and test predictions

AC9S1I04sort and order data and information and represent patterns, including with provided tables and visual or physical models

Year 2 


AC9S2I01pose questions to explore observed simple patterns and relationships and make predictions based on experiences

AC9S2I02suggest and follow safe procedures to investigate questions and test predictions

Year 3


AC9S3I01pose questions to explore observed patterns and relationships and make predictions based on observations

AC9S3I04construct and use representations, including tables, simple column graphs and visual or physical models, to organise data and information, show simple relationships and identify patterns

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Learning Tanganekald


Tanganekald is a language of the Ngarrindjeri Nation, from the Lakes and Coorong region of South Australia. Students play games with colourful cards to learn Tanganekald vocabulary related to the yuki and its environment.

Curriculum V9

Cross curriculum priorities

A_TSIC1 – First Nations Australian societies are diverse and have distinct cultural expressions such as language, customs and beliefs. As First Nations Peoples of Australia, they have the right to maintain, control, protect and develop their cultural expressions, while also maintaining the right to control, protect and develop culture as Indigenous Cultural and Intellectual Property.

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Paint the Waterways


Explore the significance of waterways in Ngarrindjeri culture through art-making, then investigate the ways that First Nations artists represent waterways and their living creatures.

Curriculum V9

Years 1 and 2

Visual Arts

AC9AVA2E02explore examples of visual arts created by First Nations Australians

AC9AVA2D01experiment and play with visual conventions, visual arts processes and materials

Years 3 and 4

Visual Arts

AC9AVA4E02explore how First Nations Australians use visual arts to communicate their connection to and responsibility for Country/Place

AC9AVA4D01experiment with a range of ways to use visual conventions, visual arts processes and materials

Years 5 and 6

Visual Arts

AC9AVA6E02explore ways that First Nations Australians use visual arts to continue and revitalise cultures

AC9AVA6D01experiment with, document and reflect on ways to use a range of visual conventions, visual arts processes, and materials

Years 7 and 8

Visual Arts

AC9AVA8D01experiment with visual conventions, visual arts processes and materials to develop skills

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River Red Gums: The Yuki Tree


Learn about the River Red Gum: the ways it has been used by Ngarrindjeri people and its adaptations to environmental change.

Curriculum V9

Year 3 


AC9S3I04construct and use representations, including tables, simple column graphs and visual or physical models, to organise data and information, show simple relationships and identify patterns


AC9HS3K04the ways First Nations Australians in different parts of Australia are interconnected with Country/Place

Year 4 


AC9S3I04construct and use representations, including tables, simple column graphs and visual or physical models, to organise data and information, show simple relationships and identify patterns


AC9HS4K05the importance of environments, including natural vegetation and water sources, to people and animals in Australia and on another continent

Year 5


AC9S5U01examine how particular structural features and behaviours of living things enable their survival in specific habitats

AC9S5I04construct and use appropriate representations, including tables, graphs and visual or physical models, to organise and process data and information and describe patterns, trends and relationships

Year 6


AC9S6U01investigate the physical conditions of a habitat and analyse how the growth and survival of living things is affected by changing physical conditions

AC9S6I04construct and use appropriate representations, including tables, graphs and visual or physical models, to organise and process data and information and describe patterns, trends and relationships



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Scar Trees


Students explore the notion of ‘scar trees’ through personal reflection, analysis of select texts and a creative writing prompt.


Curriculum V9

Year 8 


AC9E8LA03 – explain how texts are structured depending on their purpose and how language features vary, recognising that some texts are hybrids that combine different genres or elements of different genres

AC9E8LE01explain the ways that ideas and points of view may represent the values of individuals and groups in literary texts, drawn from historical, social and cultural contexts, by First Nations Australian, and wide-ranging Australian and world authors

AC9E8LE02share opinions about the language features, literary devices and text structures that contribute to the styles of literary texts

AC9E8LE03explain how language and/or images in texts position readers to respond and form viewpoints

AC9E8LE06create and edit literary texts that experiment with language features and literary devices for particular purposes and effects

Year 9


AC9E9LA03examine how authors adapt and subvert text structures and language features by experimenting with spoken, written, visual and multimodal elements, and their combination

AC9E9LE01analyse the representations of people and places in literary texts, drawn from historical, social and cultural contexts, by First Nations Australian, and wide-ranging Australian and world authors

AC9E9LE02present a personal response to a literary text comparing initial impressions and subsequent analysis of the whole text

AC9E9LE06create and edit literary texts, that may be a hybrid, that experiment with text structures, language features and literary devices for purposes and audiences

AC9E9LY02listen to spoken texts that have different purposes and audiences, analysing how language features position listeners to respond in particular ways, and use interacting skills to present and discuss opinions regarding these texts

AC9E9LY03analyse and evaluate how language features are used to represent a perspective of an issue, event, situation, individual or group

Year 10


AC9E10LE01analyse representations of individuals, groups and places and evaluate how they reflect their context in literary texts by First Nations Australian, and wide-ranging Australian and world authors

AC9E10LE05analyse how text structure, language features, literary devices and intertextual connections shape interpretations of texts

AC9E10LE08create and edit literary texts with a sustained “voice”, selecting and adapting text structures, literary devices, and language, auditory and visual features for purposes and audiences

AC9E10LY02listen to spoken texts and explain the purposes and effects of text structures and language features, and use interaction skills to discuss and present an opinion about these texts

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Collecting Data, Caring for the Land


Students grow an appreciation of how data collection can help us care for the land by interpreting and solving problems with the data set from the 22 Largest River Red Gums of South Australia.

Curriculum V9

Year 5


AC9M5ST01acquire, validate and represent data for nominal and ordinal categorical and discrete numerical variables, to address a question of interest or purpose using software including spreadsheets; discuss and report on data distributions in terms of highest frequency (mode) and shape, in the context of the data

Year 6


AC9M6ST01interpret and compare data sets for ordinal and nominal categorical, discrete and continuous numerical variables using comparative displays or visualisations and digital tools; compare distributions in terms of mode, range and shape

Year 7 


AC9M7A04describe relationships between variables represented in graphs of functions from authentic data

AC9M7M03describe the relationship between π and the features of circles including the circumference, radius and diameter


AC9S7I05analyse data and information to describe patterns, trends and relationships and identify anomalies

Year 8


AC9M8M03solve problems involving the circumference and area of a circle using formulas and appropriate units


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The River Murray


Using the Murray Darling Basin Authority’s website, students interpret primary geographical data to learn about the properties of the Murray River. Students then develop a question for a geographical inquiry and conduct research to complete the inquiry.

Curriculum V9

Year 7


AC9HG7K02the location and distribution of water resources in Australia, their implications, and strategies to manage the sustainability of water

AC9HG7K03the economic, cultural, spiritual and aesthetic value of water for people, including First Nations Australians

AC9HG7K04the causes and impacts of an atmospheric or hydrological hazard, and responses from communities and governments

AC9HG7S01develop questions for a geographical inquiry related to a phenomenon or challenge

AC9HG7S03interpret and analyse geographical data and information to identify similarities and differences, explain patterns and trends and infer relationships

AC9HG7S04draw conclusions based on the analysis of the data and information

AC9HG7S05identify a strategy for action in relation to environmental, economic, social or other factors, and explain potential impacts

AC9HG7S06create descriptions, explanations and responses, using geographical knowledge and methods, concepts, terms and reference sources

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Ancient Technologies, Modern Designs


Students analyse the yuki’s design and sustainability features along with one other First Nations river technology. Students use these as inspiration for a modern design that could improve our use of waterways in Australia.

Curriculum V9

Year 7


AC9TDE8K06analyse how characteristics and properties of materials, systems, components, tools and equipment can be combined to create designed solutions

AC9TDE8P01analyse needs or opportunities for designing, and investigate and select materials, components, tools, equipment and processes to create designed solutions

AC9TDE8P03select, justify and use suitable materials, components, tools, equipment, skills and processes to safely make designed solutions

AC9TDE8P04develop design criteria collaboratively including sustainability to evaluate design ideas, processes and solutions

Year 8 


AC9TDE8K06analyse how characteristics and properties of materials, systems, components, tools and equipment can be combined to create designed solutions

AC9TDE8P01analyse needs or opportunities for designing, and investigate and select materials, components, tools, equipment and processes to create designed solutions

AC9TDE8P03select, justify and use suitable materials, components, tools, equipment, skills and processes to safely make designed solutions

AC9TDE8P04develop design criteria collaboratively including sustainability to evaluate design ideas, processes and solutions

Year 9 


AC9TDE10K06analyse and make judgements on how characteristics and properties of materials, systems, components, tools and equipment can be combined to create designed solutions

AC9TDE10P01analyse needs or opportunities for designing; develop design briefs; and investigate, analyse and select materials, systems, components, tools and equipment to create designed solutions

AC9TDE10P03select, justify, test and use suitable technologies, skills and processes, and apply safety procedures to safely make designed solutions

AC9TDE10P04develop design criteria independently including sustainability to evaluate design ideas, processes and solutions

Year 10 


AC9TDE10K06analyse and make judgements on how characteristics and properties of materials, systems, components, tools and equipment can be combined to create designed solutions

AC9TDE10P01analyse needs or opportunities for designing; develop design briefs; and investigate, analyse and select materials, systems, components, tools and equipment to create designed solutions

AC9TDE10P03select, justify, test and use suitable technologies, skills and processes, and apply safety procedures to safely make designed solutions

AC9TDE10P04develop design criteria independently including sustainability to evaluate design ideas, processes and solutions

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