Resource Type

How Can Young People Get Involved?

  • Civics and Citizenship

How Can Young People Get Involved?

Learn about local government

Get to know five ‘faces of local government,’ as we ask what, why, how and who from South Australian mayors and councillors.

In this video, we ask our ‘faces’ for their tips and recommendations on effective ways young people can make their voices heard and how they can create a positive impact within their local community.

How can young people get involved?


Faces of Local Government series

Get to know five ‘faces of local government,’ as we ask what, why, how and who from South Australian mayors and councillors. Visit the links below to view more videos from this series:

Who are You?

What is a Typical Day for You?

What Makes Your Community Unique?

Why Did You Run for Council?

Audio described version

Related Resources

This video is part of a series of teaching resources focused on learning about local government and active citizenship, developed by the History Trust of South Australia in collaboration with the Local Government Association of South Australia. Follow the link below to find out more:

Local Government Teaching and Learning unit

This project has been supported by the Local Government Research and Development Scheme administered by the Local Government Association of SA.


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