6, 9, 10

Unpacking History: Museum in a Box


Unpacking History

Suitable for years 6, 9, 10

Stories of migration are central for many South Australians. Unpack the bags from five different immigrants, unravel the clues contained in their belongings and piece together their migration journeys. Unpacking History is adapted from a well-established and well-loved educational experience from the History Trust’s Migration Museum. Using object-based learning, explore the experience by looking at a new set of stories right in your own classroom.

Book your Museum in a Box

Booking Information

Special Introductory Cost:

  • $75
  • $50 equity pricing*

*Equity pricing is available for rural, remote, and government category 1-4 schools.

Loan Period

The loan period runs for 13 days, from the Monday of week one to the Thursday of week two. 


Boxes are located at the South Australian Maritime Museum in Port Adelaide, and can be collected during the museum opening hours of 10am to 5pm. Delivery via courier service can be organised for an additional fee.


An invoice will be generated upon the return of the Museum in a Box kit. If opting to use a courier, the costs will be included in this invoice. 

Cancellations & Late fees

Cancellations must be made two weeks before your booking start date; cancellations after this period may incur the full cost of hire.  In the case of late returns, we may charge a late fee of up to $75.

Return Process

Museum in a Box kits must be returned as near as possible to the condition they were sent out in, and in accordance with the return information provided in your booking. Excessive disorder may incur an additional administration cost. Some general wear and tear is expected; however, we will ask borrowers to cover the costs of replacing lost or damaged items.

About Museum in a Box

Museum in a Box is brought to you by the History Trust of South Australia with generous support from the Thyne Reid Foundation. Each box takes a curriculum-aligned approach to exploring the history of South Australia. Museum in Box brings history to life by providing opportunities for students to interact with objects from the past and discover their stories.

Curriculum v8.4

Year 6

HASS Inquiry Questions:

  • How did Australian society change throughout the twentieth century?
  • Who were the people who came to Australia? Why did they come?
  • What contribution have significant individuals and groups made to the development of Australian society?

HASS Content descriptors

  • ACHASSK136 Stories of groups of people who migrated to Australia since Federation (including from ONE country of the Asia region) and reasons they migrated.
  • ACHASSI126 Examine primary sources and secondary sources to determine their origin and purpose.
  • ACHASSI129 Evaluate evidence to draw conclusions.
  • ACHASSI133 Present ideas, findings, viewpoints and conclusions in a range of texts and modes that incorporate source materials, digital and non-digital representations and discipline-specific terms and conventions.

Year 9

History content descriptors

  • ACDSEH083 Experiences of slaves, convicts and free settlers upon departure, their journey abroad, and their reactions on arrival, including the Australian experience.
  • ACDSEH084 Changes in the way of life of a group(s) of people who moved to Australia in this period, such as free settlers on the frontier in Australia.
  • ACDSEH085 The short and long-term impacts of the movement of peoples during this period.
  • ACHHS169 Identify the origin, purpose and context of primary and secondary sources.
  • ACHHS170 Process and synthesise information from a range of sources for use as evidence in an historical argument. 
  • ACHHS171 Evaluate the reliability and usefulness of primary and secondary sources.
  • ACHHS172 Identify and analyse the perspectives of people from the past.

Year 10

History content descriptors

  • ACDSEH144 The waves of post-World War II migration to Australia, including the influence of significant world events 
  • ACDSEH147 The contribution of migration to Australia’s changing identity as a nation and to its international relationships.
  • ACHHS187 Identify the origin, purpose and context of primary and secondary sources.
  • ACHHS188 Process and synthesise information from a range of sources for use as evidence in an historical argument. 
  • ACHHS189 Evaluate the reliability and usefulness of primary and secondary sources.
  • ACHHS190 Identify and analyse the perspectives of people from the past.

Curriculum v9.0

Year 6

HASS Content descriptors

  • AC9HS6K03 The motivation of people migrating to Australia since Federation and throughout the 20th century, their stories and effects on Australian society, including migrants from the Asia region. 
  • AC9HS6S02 Locate, collect and organise information and data from primary and secondary sources in a range of formats. 
  • AC9HS6S04 Evaluate primary and secondary sources to determine origin, purpose and perspectives. 
  • AC9HS6S05 Develop evidence-based conclusions. 

Year 9

History content descriptors

  • AC9HH9K01 The causes and effects of European imperial expansion and the movement of peoples in the late 18th and early 19th centuries, and the different responses to colonisation and migration. 
  • AC9HH9K02 The key social, cultural, economic and political changes and their significance in the development of Australian society during the period.
  • AC9HH9K06 Different experiences and perspectives of colonisers, settlers and First Nations Australians and the impact of these experiences on changes to Australian society’s ideas, beliefs and values.
  • AC9HH9K07 The development of Australian society in relation to other nations in the world by 1914, including the effects of ideas and movements of people.
  • AC9HH9K014 The changing population movements and settlement patterns during the period 1750 to 1900. 
  • AC9HH9S02 Locate, identify and compare primary and secondary sources to use in historical inquiry.
  • AC9HH9S03 Identify the origin and content of sources, and explain the purpose and context of primary and secondary sources.
  • AC9HH9S04 Explain the usefulness of primary and secondary sources, and the reliability of the information as evidence.
  • AC9HH9S06Compare perspectives in sources and explain how these are influenced by significant events, ideas, locations, beliefs and values.

Year 10

History content descriptors

  • AC9HH10K07 The effects of significant post–World War II world events, ideas and developments on Australian society. 
  • AC9HH10K08 The causes of changes in perspectives, responses, beliefs and values on migration that have influenced Australian society since 1945.
  • AC9HH10S02 Locate, identify and compare primary and secondary sources to use in a historical inquiry.
  • C9HH10S03 Identify the origin and content of sources, and explain the purpose and context of primary and secondary sources.
  • AC9HH10S04 Explain the usefulness of primary and secondary sources, and the reliability of the information as evidence.
  • AC9HH10S06 Compare perspectives in sources and explain how these are influenced by significant events, ideas, locations, beliefs and values. 

Where to Next

You can also experience Unpacking Histories in person. Click here to find out more

Unpacking Histories

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